Inglewood Community and Local Mobility Research and Recommendations
RESEARCH GOALS | Mobility Solution - Urban Experience - Human Centered
The goal of this research project is to understand the current mobility patterns present in Inglewood and how the upcoming mobility solutions could improve accessibility to the Forum and the NFL Stadium.
Research will be conducted on how can possible mobility methods that improves the urban experience for visitors, residents and the local workforce.  And also to understand holistically the identity of Inglewood and to find the social, political and economic values that transportation can facilitate the community.
We will identify potential stakeholders and examine the human-centered needs of the community as well as the external entities.
CONTEXTUAL LANDSCAPE | Case Studies - Bench-marking
Who are the potential stakeholders?
How will development plans affect the community fabric?
What are the major economic drivers in Inglewood?
What are the socioeconomic challenges the Inglewood community faces?
What are the possible transit options for near and future development?
How can the community’s interests be preserved through a mobility solution?
Case Studies
Case studies were studied to understand the impact of gentrification as well as transit oriented developments
Various transit solutions were bench-marked to have a better understanding of their ecosystem
ETHNOGRAPHY | Observations - Field Trips - Field Interviews - Affinity Mapping
Observations | Field Trips
Interviews | What Inglewood community has to say.........
Affinity Analysis | Insight & Opportunities
Affinity analysis to extract user behavior and understand their mental model to define opportunity spaces for various user experiences
Proposal Iterations and Validation
Many proposal iterations were done and user-tested with potential stakeholders to validate
the desirability of the target audiences in their natural environment.
Possible Design Directions
Please click here to see the mobility design recommendations made for the city of Inglewood
Stakeholder Validation & Presentation

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