Personal Mobility Contour
A new experience that autonomous vehicle technology will cast on the future of transportation industries
Project Timeline: 4 months 
Role: Experience Designer, Team of 6
Sponsors : Jaguar-Land Rover  |  Intel  |  Art Center College of Design

‘Shared system is going to be more efficient than a private or personal transportation system in the coming autonomous age.’
COMRADE brings to you a cohesive ecosystem which humanizes every touch-point in your day-to-day life. 
It understands your daily needs and caters the ecosystem around you accordingly. 
Your inbuilt preferences are sophisticatedly handled in whatever environment you are interacting, whether it is inside your car or your house or workplace. 
User Group
User Scenario
Information Design
Information is designed to cater your day to day activities and are accustomed to different touch points and customer behavior in interacting with the AI COMRADE.
Interaction Points
Interaction touch points inside the car are integrated around the instrument panel and door trim area where the user can interact with the AI. The input commands consist gesture control, Voice or touch catered to user’s specific needs. For example, some users like to knock to call their concierge. The output is voice, augmented reality and projection display.
Depot System
Land Rover depot stores all your belongings and brings you whatever you demand for, in the subscribed vehicle, you just must ask Comrade to do it.
JLR as a brand believes you are entitled to a certain set of premium level of service in buying into COMRADE lifestyle. Thus, these premiums can exist in form of customer experiences in the upcoming shared economy which can be subscribed based on customer loyalty with the brand.
JLR Brand Values
Legacy  -  Comfort  -  Reliability  -  Futuristic  -  Tailored
Subscription Based Business Model
Automakers have hardly made profits by just selling their vehicles in the past century or the cars, most of the profits are derived from the financing models. Thus, we can derive a new business strategy for the upcoming shared economy, with reduced marginal cost premiums. This can be created through selling curated experiences in the autonomous vehicle era.
Final show was done in spring 2015 under the name I-CAN

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